Skyrim Mod データベース

検索結果:パッチ Skeleton おすすめMOD順search

 [パッチ] Custom Skeleton Replacers Download ID:16712 Author:Skulltyrant 2013-12-25 00:30 Version:4.01
RATE: =1 G=5 TAG: [BBP] [TBBP] [Skeleton] [Replacer] [立ちポーズ]
Custom Skeleton Replacers Title画像

Custom Skeleton Replacers

Mystic Tails
Way of the Sword - Skyrim Katana Revised
DSpSoB - Dual Sheath plus Shields on Back
Stacked Against Gravity Body and Armors with BBP and Scaling
1HD Weapons on Back TS Edition
Well Placed Weapons and Quivers 1-1
Realistic Ragdolls and Force
Armed to the Teeth
No more dangling swords
Skyrim Weapon Positioning - Weapons on Back
A Better body scale for Khajit and Argonian Male
BBP Scale for CHSBHC with BBP
Better Male Skeletons
Chesko's Belt-Fastened Quivers - Skeleton Replacer - frostfall
Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survivalのオプションファイルです。

Daggers on pelvis back
Hide Bow and Quiver
Monli race
TBBP - Tender BBP, A New BBP Simulation
DOA - Dual Daggers on Ankles.


  • Custom Skeleton Replacers画像1
Skyrim Nexus, Skulltyrant. 25 Dec 2013. Custom Skeleton Replacers. 9 May 2012 <>.
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 [パッチ] Better Wearing Position of Swords for XPMS Download ID:32424 Author:mikogamiten 2013-06-08 00:08 Version:1.8
RATE: G=4 TAG: [Skeleton] [片手剣]
Better Wearing Position of Swords for XPMS Title画像

Better Wearing Position of Swords for XPMS

XP32 Maximum Skeleton - XPMSの片手剣の装備位置を調節し、
DSpSoB - Dual Sheath plus Shields on BackDual Sheath Reduxにも対応しているので、それらを入れている場合、左手用の片手剣も同様の調節がなされます。

またEnhanced Character Editのv1.0以上で搭載されている首、ウエストスライダーにも対応しています。
  • Better Wearing Position of Swords for XPMS画像1
  • Better Wearing Position of Swords for XPMS画像2
  • Better Wearing Position of Swords for XPMS画像3
Skyrim Nexus, mikogamiten. 8 Jun 2013. Better Wearing Position of Swords for XPMS. 26 Feb 2013 <>.
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