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 [戦闘] Sands of Time Sleeping Encounters Standalone Module Download ID:49307 Author:The SOT Team 2019-03-18 00:36 Version:18.1
RATE: =1 G=5 TAG: [襲撃] [睡眠]
Ultimate Deadly Encounters - The Way of the Dovahkiin aka Sands of Time Legendary Edition ( increased spawns ) の睡眠中エンカウンターのみバージョン

tesvTranslator 日本語化 v1.1 スクリプトMCMほぼ翻訳
Skyrim Nexus, The SOT Team. 18 Mar 2019. Sands of Time Sleeping Encounters Standalone Module. 30 Dec 2013 <>.
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