Skyrim Mod データベース

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 [] Pirates of Skyrim - The Northern Cardinal under the Black Flag Download ID:62844 Author:BigBizkit 2015-04-30 01:00 Version:v1.51
RATE: =3 G=10 TAG: [] [海賊] [] [敵追加] [ダンジョン] [ダンジョン追加] [フォロワー] [クエスト追加] [日本語化対応]
Pirates of Skyrim - The Northern Cardinal under the Black Flag Title画像

Pirates of Skyrim - The Northern Cardinal under the Black Flag

このMODはNorthern Cardinalの発展版で、以下の要素を楽しむことができます。
 Sea of Ghostに船出して望遠鏡で船を見つけて交戦できます



Sea of Ghostに出るには船員3名以上必要、船員の部屋の拡張3000Gが必要?





■参考動画 #11

Pirates of Skyrim - The Northern Cardinal under the Black Flag - Japanese
  • Pirates of Skyrim - The Northern Cardinal under the Black Flag動画
  • Pirates of Skyrim - The Northern Cardinal under the Black Flag画像1
  • Pirates of Skyrim - The Northern Cardinal under the Black Flag画像2
  • Pirates of Skyrim - The Northern Cardinal under the Black Flag画像3
Skyrim Nexus, BigBizkit. 30 Apr 2015. Pirates of Skyrim - The Northern Cardinal under the Black Flag. 19 Feb 2015 <>.
[コメントを読む(30)] [コメントを書く]
 [] Pirates of Skyrim - The Northern Cardinal under the Black Flag - Japanese Download ID:70067 Author:BigBizkit and BowmoreLover 2015-09-27 15:19 Version:v1.51r1
RATE: =1 G=3 TAG: [] [海賊] [] [敵追加] [ダンジョン] [ダンジョン追加] [フォロワー] [クエスト追加] [日本語化対応] [BowmoreLover]
Pirates of Skyrim - The Northern Cardinal under the Black Flag - Japanese Title画像

Pirates of Skyrim - The Northern Cardinal under the Black Flag - Japanese

Pirates of Skyrim - The Northern Cardinal under the Black Flagの日本語版。
詳細はDescription(日本語)およびオリジナルModのページ(Pirates of Skyrim - The Northern Cardinal under the Black Flag)を参照してください。

Dawnguard/Hearthfire/Dragonborn DLC (Hearthfire不要版あり)
Pirates of Skyrim - The Northern Cardinal under the Black Flag (オリジナルMod)
Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice
General Stores - storage resource for packrats (オプション)
  • Pirates of Skyrim - The Northern Cardinal under the Black Flag - Japanese画像1
Skyrim Nexus, BigBizkit and BowmoreLover. 27 Sep 2015. Pirates of Skyrim - The Northern Cardinal under the Black Flag - Japanese. 27 Sep 2015 <>.
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