Skyrim Mod データベース

検索結果:モーション 速度変更 おすすめMOD順search

 [モーション] Choose the combat Speed for you and opponents v4-0 - all languages Download ID:40315 Author:marcousik 2015-01-16 21:46 Version:4.0
RATE: G=6 TAG: [戦闘] [速度変更]
Choose the combat Speed for you and opponents v4-0 - all languages Title画像

Choose the combat Speed for you and opponents v4-0 - all languages


導入後、追加されるアイテム "Option Mod FightSpeed" から、
20% or 30% or 50% or 2倍 or 3倍でいつでも変更可能です。
  • Choose the combat Speed for you and opponents v4-0 - all languages画像1
  • Choose the combat Speed for you and opponents v4-0 - all languages画像2
  • Choose the combat Speed for you and opponents v4-0 - all languages画像3
Skyrim Nexus, marcousik. 16 Jan 2015. Choose the combat Speed for you and opponents v4-0 - all languages. 15 Aug 2013 <>.
[コメントを読む(10)] [コメントを書く]
 [モーション] Faster Horse Dismounting Download ID:48317 Author:Moirai 2013-11-30 14:28 Version:1.0
TAG: [] [モーション] [速度変更]


- Horse Fast Dismount

- Immersive Horses
- Simple Horse
Skyrim Nexus, Moirai. 30 Nov 2013. Faster Horse Dismounting. 30 Nov 2013 <>.
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