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 [モデル・テクスチャ] Rest for the Weary - Better Beds in Whiterun Temple LE Download ID:114059 Author:Author Tobes - Port by Xtudo 2022-12-08 21:13 Version:1
RATE: =2 TAG: [Replacer] [教会] [ベッド] [ホワイトラン] [やさしい]
Rest for the Weary - Better Beds in Whiterun Temple LE Title画像

Rest for the Weary - Better Beds in Whiterun Temple LE

TobesTobelle氏の[Skyrim SE]Rest for the Weary - Better Beds in Whiterun Templeを、Xtudo氏がポートしたMOD

小さな積み重ねが大きな違いを生む。 ホワイトラン聖堂の病人用ベッドをより快適なものにします。ESPはありません。メッシュとテクスチャのみ(2K)
  • Rest for the Weary - Better Beds in Whiterun Temple LE画像1
  • Rest for the Weary - Better Beds in Whiterun Temple LE画像2
  • Rest for the Weary - Better Beds in Whiterun Temple LE画像3
Skyrim Nexus, Author Tobes - Port by Xtudo. 8 Dec 2022. Rest for the Weary - Better Beds in Whiterun Temple LE. 8 Dec 2022 <>.
 [モデル・テクスチャ] Rally's Temple of Kynareth Mosaic Download ID:98957 Author:Rallyeator 2019-08-21 01:11 Version:1.0
RATE: =1 G=1 TAG: [リテクスチャ] [Replacer] [ホワイトラン] [教会]
Rally's Temple of Kynareth Mosaic Title画像

Rally's Temple of Kynareth Mosaic

Elysium Estate用のパッチもあります
  • Rally's Temple of Kynareth Mosaic画像1
  • Rally's Temple of Kynareth Mosaic画像2
  • Rally's Temple of Kynareth Mosaic画像3
Skyrim Nexus, Rallyeator. 21 Aug 2019. Rally's Temple of Kynareth Mosaic. 15 Aug 2019 <>.
[コメントを読む(1)] [コメントを書く]
 [モデル・テクスチャ] Ray's UHD Temple of Kynareth Pool Download ID:98441 Author:Ray 2019-07-04 02:45 Version:1.0
TAG: [ホワイトラン] [教会]
Ray's UHD Temple of Kynareth Pool Title画像

Ray's UHD Temple of Kynareth Pool

2k or 4k
  • Ray's UHD Temple of Kynareth Pool画像1
Skyrim Nexus, Ray. 4 Jul 2019. Ray's UHD Temple of Kynareth Pool. 4 Jul 2019 <>.
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